Not sure what that's all about. . .
But here are some random things that are going on right now:
- After feeling bad for two days, I finally talked Randall into going to the ER this afternoon. I know he didn't really want to go but I also know he didn't want to wait until things started going bad.
- Been trying to keep Kaylee occupied by letting her spend the night at various friend's houses.
- School can not start soon enough for this tired Mama.
- I've been thinking a lot the last few days about the past. I know I shouldn't because the past is exactly that. The past. I can't help but wonder about the "what ifs" of life.
- My Mom is an expert at making me feel bad. Seriously. I talked to her yesterday and she mentioned that she wished she could see Kaylee in person no more than 9487563885 times. Really. Until my rich uncle gets out of the poor house? Cross country trips will not be happening.
- Of course I didn't actually SAY that to her. But I thought it. Several times.
- I've been having trouble sleeping. . . Making my bedtime anywhere between 2 and 5 AM. Because sleep is overrated. Or something.
- I have said "I need a vacation" more than once to Randall in the last three weeks. Because I do. I need to getaway. Just me. By myself. Doing nothing. And taking care of no one but myself.
And that is just some of the random running through my brain right now. . .
Enjoy your weekend folks!