
Just a Ramble

I don't know why but I am feeling down today.

No real reason other than I just have the 'blahs'.

My Mom's birthday was on Thursday.  She made sure to rub it in my face that my sister and my niece came to visit and stayed ALL day.  Plus bought her a cake and some awesome gifts.  Then proceeded to tell me that if I sent her a card that she hadn't received it yet.  Well, I didn't send a card.  I had plans of sending her flowers for her day but I kept putting it off.  She sometimes gets a wild hair up her butt and decides to take off to Tennessee to visit her sisters.  I didn't know if she would be in town or not so I decided to wait and see.

Now I know what you're thinking...  Why didn't I just call Mom before her birthday and ask what her plans were?  I'll tell you why...  I try to limit my conversations with my mother to about once a week.  They take A LOT out of me!  She spends almost EVERY minute of our conversation hounding asking me when we are moving home...  No answer that I give her ever eases it either.  I have told her that we are trying to save the money.  That doesn't work.  I have told sometime over the summer.  That doesn't work.  I have told her that we want to move but we are waiting for Randall's settlement to come in (from an accident back in October) but that when we move we are going to Tennessee.  She accepted that for a little while.  But here recently has started bombarding me with questions of when and where and how...


Can I be truthful with you?

Of course I can.

Mom says that she wants to move to Tennessee (has said this for YEARS).  She claims that she needs me to come back to Ohio so that I (well we, Randall and I but NOT my siblings) can help her pack up her house so she can move.  Truth is, Mom is never going to move.  Ever.  There are TOO many memories in that house that she doesn't want to give up.  She uses needing me to help her as a ploy to get me there and then she will suddenly not want to move.  I AM NOT LIVING IN OHIO EVER AGAIN!  Well not in Cincinnati anyway.

Geez...  Sorry.

I did not mean to get into my relationship with my dysfunctional family...  Actually my relationship with Mom isn't all that bad.  One of these days I will tell the story of how my brother said it was my fault that Mom got sick with pneumonia (December 08) and came close to dying.  Talk about a kick in the face but that was something else!


I waited to call her on her day and found she was home...  So I am ordering flowers for her tonight in hopes of them getting to her by Monday or Tuesday.  She will think of them as an after thought.  Like I didn't care enough to get them there on her day.  And that's OK.  I know that my intentions are all in the right place.  I do love my Mom even when she pushes my buttons.  I just wish I could make her realize it.

I hope your Saturday has been decent and may your Sunday be even better!



Oka said...

all though I am pretty offended right now ((((Stasha))))

BNM said...

Aww I hope you get to feeling better.. Moms can get the best of us somedays, and others they can be our best friends. Do whats right for your family, if you dont wanna move dont. She'll get over it, eventually. *hugs*

VKT said...

Your family seems a bit manipulative. They can't make you feel bad if you don't let them. I know that is easier said than done. My Mom used to do that to me. When I stopped commenting, she tried even harder but eventually learned that I wasn't taking the bait.

Have a great day tomorrow))))))))

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hope your doing better. ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

When my mom hounds me about something I usually try to change the subject, not always easy but if she continues it then I just say I gotta go...
Hope your having a better day!
Whatcha doing for Kylee for Easter?
Any plans yet?

Shamrocks and Shenanigans said...

I'm your newest follower via FF and the blog hop! Love your blog and the brutal honesty! Come take a look at my food blog

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My Ponderings

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(1) Guest Posting (2) HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY (2) Happy Birthday Daddy. (1) Happy Birthday Kaylee (1) Heart attacks are no joke. (1) Hidden away in a journal (1) I am not a Freaking FAIRY (1) I am the female version of Weird Al. (1) I did not feel this way being pregnant with Kaylee. (1) I don't like being mean but sometimes it's necessary. (1) I feel close to my sister again. (1) I get a kick out of irritating people. (1) I giggle at inappropriateness (1) I hate being accused of something I didn't do. (1) I hate when the tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife. (1) I have only been drunk once and No I didn't eat before hand. It wasn't pretty. (1) I just want to PEE IN PEACE. Is that so wrong? (1) I know I am WAY TOO LENIENT. I KNOW. (1) I like making things out of duct tape. (1) I look forward to June (1) I love Randall more than words (2) I love my family more than words can express. (1) I love twitter. (2) I married the man in this story on September 11th 1996. (1) I miss my sister (1) I need him as much if not more than what he needs me. (1) I realize now just how badly things COULD have turned out. Didn't think about it then. (1) I really wouldn't grab my doctors balls. But it's funny to think about. Isn't it? (1) I said 'fuck' a lot. Sorry. (1) I was a good girl once. Really. (1) I will not be treated like my opinion doesn't count ANYMORE (1) I will not win Parent of the Year for 2012. That's for sure. (1) I wish I had the guts to say all of this to my Mom. (1) I would never duct tape the kid but I HAVE thought about it. Heh. (1) I would rather be pissed off than pissed on. Hee hee. (1) If I'm my own rock does that make me Bipolar? NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE (1) If only life were as easy as it is in movies. (1) In my head (1) In the Moment (1) Insomnia sucks (4) It's no fun being in the ER (1) Jealousy (1) Karma (1) Kaylee was conceived BECAUSE of 9/11. (1) Kaylee will always be my baby no matter how old she is. (1) Less Than (1) Let me be. (1) Listen up 2012. . . I will have none of this suckass-ness already. (1) Living life in the PNW. (1) Living unfiltered (1) Looking for my sanity. Have you seen it? (1) Looking for my voice. Have you seen it? (1) Losing a parent when you are nine is hard. (1) M'mmm FOOD. (1) MOM? I'M BOOORRRREEEDDD. (2) May 10 2012 (1) Mom (4) Mom of the year here I come. (2) Motherhood (2) Mt. Rainier (1) My doctor? Also put me on a prenatal vitamin. I am not preggy. He said it's good for me. He might be nuts. (1) My feelings get hurt often. (1) My organizational skills are lacking. (2) Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge (1) No compassion (1) Not sure what caused the pain. Wonder if it was just stress? (1) Oh the places I'd go. (1) Only a Daydream (1) Organized Chaos (1) Pain in the Chest (1) Parenting (4) Parenting Fail (1) Parenting is hard yo. (1) Pretty sure the snooze button is the devil. (1) Questions from Kris (2) Quiet morning time is quite enjoyable. (1) Randall (46) Randomness from Me :) (32) Release The Krackens (1) Respect (1) Sad and Romantic (1) Salmon is still pink no matter what any man says (1) Save the Drama for your Mama. (1) Secret guilty pleasures are no longer secret. Heh. (1) Shadows of the Past (2) She dropped a bomb on me. (1) She is me. Obviously. (1) Sigh (6) Silence is golden. Then you remember you have kids. (1) Some people might be inclined to think she was being taken advantage of. She has considered this. (1) Some things make me feel really old (2) Sometimes smoke and mirrors are used to keep you from seeing the real me. (1) Somewhere along the way things changed (1) Sprouting boobies would be funny (1) Squeaky McSqueakerson (1) Ten Thought Tuesday (43) Ten Years Ago Today (1) That girl can SING (1) The Land of WA. (1) Things that make me laugh (2) Things that rattle around in my head (1) Thinking about giving up the whole blogging thing. . . Really. (1) This is a touchy subject. 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(1) You might learn more than you want to about me (1) abortion (1) awkward (1) birthday (4) craziness (2) diabetes (4) distractions (1) duct tape crafts (1) family (40) fiction (1) funny (18) gastroparesis (13) growing up (10) healing (1) heart health (2) holidays (6) hookers (1) hospital (12) humor (3) irritation (2) kaylee (49) life (120) living with diabetes (3) love (22) me (17) memories (19) mental abuse (1) miscarriage (1) pondering (6) pour your heart out (10) prayer (4) pregnancy (1) ramble (7) random (18) remembrance (2) routines (1) sad (6) sadness (3) secondary adrenal insufficiency (3) sexual abuse (1) siblings (1) sickness (24) silliness (5) sisterhood (2) snarky (2) stress (9) the man here was three times older than me. (1) twitter (1) unexpected lessons (1)