I have been avoiding my blog.
I have been avoiding twitter.
I have been avoiding Facebook.
I just want to hide.
There is too much stress and bullshit going on.
I am tired of it.
I have aches and pains in places where I usually don't. I'm blaming it on the weather.
I am not sleeping enough. I'm blaming it on the aches and pains.
I have anxiety attacks going to the grocery store. I'm blaming it on not getting out enough.
We all know that these can be signs of depression. Aside from the anxiety thing. Not sure where that has come from.
I am thoroughly convinced that I am almost a hermit. I get out of the house maybe twice a month. Sometimes more, sometimes less. So I guess I am a step above a hermit.
I am a pessimist. I see doom and gloom in everything. I never used to be like this. I could always find the positive in a situation. Not any more.
I am surrounded by people who exude negativity. I am surrounded by people who radiate negative vibes constantly. After a while, it starts to take a toll on you.
My negative cup has runeth over while my positive cup has runeth dry.
I have a low tolerance for negative bullshit. There is only so much you can take before you have a meltdown.
I am trying to avoid the meltdown. Once it starts there is no stopping it. It is ugly and violent. It is like the whole house explodes.
Things are said that aren't meant. Or so I have been told.
I have always believed that in the heat of the moment is when the truth is spoken. If that is true? Then I know what is thought of me. There are no apologies that can make the harsh words disappear.
I would rather know what you really think of me than to have you be nice to my face.
I can forgive but I will never forget.
You can count on that.
Linking up with Pour Your Heart Out, hosted by Shell at Things I Can't Say