
Ten Thought Tuesday

Hello Tuesday!

Somehow you sneaked up on me!

Time for some random thoughts!


Here we go!

Ten Random things that have pissed me off within the last week:

10.  Having to fill the sugar container before I can use it.


Do I look like the fucking "Sugar Fairy"?

9.  My mother in law started cooking dinner again.  But only if it's something she feels like cooking.


You are more than happy to throw together a crappy Rice-A-Roni dinner but when we asked for Mexican, you say no?

How shitty is that?

8.  The fact that Randall volunteered "us" {and by "us" he essentially meant "me"} to cook said Mexican dinner.

Why would you volunteer me to cook without asking me if I even felt like cooking first?

He did actually end up helping in the kitchen, in case you were wondering.

7.  Kaylee's teacher guilted me into going on a field trip this Friday.

Then three days later, guilted me into going on their 'end of the year' field trip.

And it's not that I mind going.  I don't.  Not really.

It's that I am agreeing to something two months in advance.  She has no clue as to where the June field trip is going to be yet.

6.  The clusterfuck that was Kaylee's test this past Saturday.

It was a big fail in the department of picking your child up.  The hallway was filled with parents waiting for their kids.  The test proctors only called the names of the children whose parents had been able to get to the table to sign the 'sign your child out' papers.  But who wants to sign their child out before they have their child??  They were sending these kids out into this crowded hallway without even knowing if their parents were out there.

Every child that walked out of the room had a scared look on their face.

I am standing at the door staring at Kaylee.  I look at this lady and say, "Seriously?  My kid is sitting RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.  Can I PLEASE have my kid?"

"You have to sign her out."

"OK.  This is ridiculous.  Don't you think it would have been wise to MAKE SURE EVERYONE knew they needed to SIGN THEIR KID OUT before they had their kid??"

"Well this is not my doing.  I am just the test proctor.  I didn't even know I would be doing this 'til eight o'clock last night."

"So not my problem.  Can I have my kid?  She's right in front of you."

"You need to sign her out."

By this time I am at my boiling point.

"I need the PAPER IN YOUR HAND before I can sign her out.  This is really ignorant."

Finally I am able to sign this stupid piece of paper and retrieve Kaylee.

I look at her and say, "Let's hurry up and get out of this madness before someone goes ballistic."

5.  The doctor in the ER Friday morning for being an ass to Randall at first.

4.  Riding the city bus on virtually no sleep.

Yeah, I had to do that Friday afternoon.  You would have thought my Father in law would have picked me up.  Apparently sleep was more important for him.

3.  The fact that my memory is not what it used to be.

2.  Going into the kitchen to get a bowl of ice cream only to find that the ice cream is all gone.

Especially when said ice cream was only bought 2 days prior.

First come, first served my ass.  Someone in this house is an ice cream-aholic.

1.  Going into the bathroom to find the roll of toilet paper has maybe three sheets of paper on it.

How fucking hard is it to change the roll of toilet paper??

I guess if I am the sugar fairy I have a license to play all fairies that happen to be needed at any given moment.

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My Ponderings

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