A field trip that needed parent volunteers to which the teacher had none.
A field trip with about twenty third graders. Lovely eight and nine year olds.
A field trip to a rock quarry.
Initially? I had my doubts.
How much fun could be had at a rock quarry?
More fun than you can toss a pebble at. That's how much!
Everybody had to wear spiffy white hard hats and neon yellow vests.
I had an issue with the whole hat thing only because they were not taking any precautions with sanitizing the hats. There were no wipes or hand sanitizer or anything of that nature.
No one else seemed to be bothered by this fact.
Hello? People?
Do you not realize that several other peoples funk is hanging out on that hat?
Do you not realize that if ONE child happened to have lice, that almost the whole freaking school will now be infested?
Do you not realize that if me or my child end up with head lice, I will be one pissed off bitch?
Apparently it was only me. So I manned up and put a hat on. {Need I mention that my head has been itchy all fucking day?}
We walked up a hill which was actually a gigantic pile of rocks and sand and listened to some facts about rocks and whatnot. I really wasn't paying attention, I was trying to stop huffing and puffing. Didn't realize just how much out of shape I am.
The kids are then handed baggies and told to go rock hunting on the top of this pile.
I now realize that kids love rocks.
Big rocks, little rocks. Any kind of rock, it doesn't really matter.
Then I noticed the other adults getting in on the act so I figured I would too.
I found a couple of really nice reddish rocks, a purplish rock, some white rocks that look like quartz and an orange rock that when held up to the light, looks as if it's on fire.
Kaylee's teacher fell in love with my fire rock. I think she was hoping that I would give it to her.
Yeah. That so was not going to happen.
But I, along with a couple of kids started a great fire rock hunt for the teacher.
I found a tiny one and one of the kids found a tiny one. These two rocks put together were not even close to the size of my rock. Both were given to the teacher.
Booyah! There ya go teach!
Two small fire rocks of your own!
I really should have given her my rock. But I became uber possessive of said rock. So possessive that I would not let anyone hold it. Not even Kaylee.
Pretty sad when you won't even let your own kid hold something.
After rolling around in rocks for an hour or so it was time to go.
We get back to school.
The kids have lunch outside.
I stay to chat with the teacher and help her with the kids.
Then I head home, where I am ready to collapse and take a nap.
Who knew a bunch of rocks could wear you out like that?