10. Randall was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon. He wanted to come home so badly. After he got home, he says to me "I don't think I they should have let me out."
Wait... WHAT?!?!
This man called me and complained ALL DAY Sunday that he wanted to go home. And the doctor was an ass because he wouldn't let Randall come home... Blah, blah, blah.
It really is no wonder that I am worried all the time.
9. I weighed myself yesterday morning... Lost 3 more pounds!
8. Soon I will have to break down and buy new pants. The ones I wear now are even loose with a belt. Pretty sure I look odd hiking my pants up as I walk.
7. I am still playing Ice Fairy... I'm going to start charging people by the cube.
6. There is a house nearby that is going up for auction later this month. You have no clue how bad I wish we could buy this house... The yearning I have for my own place is overwhelming at times.
5. I feel a little down.
4. I'm trying not to show it.
3. It isn't working so well.
2. *Crickets*
1. Hate when my mind goes blank. I have so much shit floating around in my head that it's hard to concentrate on one specific item...
censorship can really help the mind go blank
hate hearing #10, that would piss me off too
there is a 6 bedroom close to the kids elementary school, I SO WISH...
I've lived with parents and inlaws and its no fun. I hope things turn around for yall real soon. Hugs
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