Figured I would grace you with a little randomness from my little brain.
Here we go!
10. Kaylee is taking a test on Saturday to see if she can be put into the gifted program in her school next year. She is uber excited. This means that she will either be sent to a different school or a teacher will be brought to her school to teach her.
9. To say that I am proud does not even begin to express how I feel. I am ecstatic that her teacher sees the potential in Kaylee.
8. Randall is thinking that Kaylee will do so well on this test that she will be put up a couple of grades. That scares me a little.
7. I have been roped into being a chaperone for a field trip next Friday. To a rock quarry. I am filled with sarcastic happiness.
6. My mother-in-law is still sick but she cooked dinner last night.
Kinda made me feel like what I had done for the last what? 2-3 weeks wasn't appreciated.
Almost passed out because afterwards father-in-law did the dishes.
What the fuck? He didn't offer not once the whole time I cooked dinner. Not once.
Oh well.
5. I have been extremely tired lately.
4. I also have an overactive appetite. I have been eating and eating and eating.
3. Have I mentioned that we are actively trying to get pregnant? Like I have been religiously looking at ovulation calculators and other things to help me determine when I am most fertile.
2. It was a decision that was made last month. I want nothing more than for Kaylee to have a brother or sister.
1. This is something I want more than anyone really understands. I can not explain my desire to have another child.
Maybe it's because I told Randall {after Kaylee was born} that if we didn't have another child by the time I was 35, we wouldn't be having another child.
Maybe it's because Kaylee is almost nine. That's a big age difference. But I really don't want it to get much larger than that.
Or maybe it's because Kaylee came to me the other day and told me that she wanted to be a big sister.
So we are trying. Really, really trying.
I will let you know if anything good comes from it!